22 January 2009

Using JVC GZ-HD7 Everio with MAC OS X

Converting TOD FHD files from JVC Everio on Mac OS X
If you wan't to edit you Full HD videos from your Everio in iMovie you'll have to convert the videos to work on the mac.

You'll need to download and install ffmpegx and connect your JCV Everio via USB and locate the TOD file(s).

  1. In ffmpegx click Open and choose the TOD file

  2. Set the destination file in the Save As

  3. Under Target format select MOV

  4. Under Video set the bitrate to 28000

  5. Under Audio it might be a good idea to match the bitrate too

  6. Click Encode and just wait =)

Evario manual
The manual for the Everio can be found, as most manuals, at retrevo.com, but you have to sign up. For those how don't wan't to use this great service the manuals can be accessed on this folder at box.net.

Importing straigt into iMovie
You can set the record quality down to 1440( down from 1920 ) and then you can read straight from the Everio into iMovie via FireWire cable.
When you need to import into iMovie just follow the instructions in this video: