S5 slide show presenter
Online presentations S5 is a great tool for setting up slides shows in a browser. Check out the intro.
In case of personal memory failures...
Online presentations S5 is a great tool for setting up slides shows in a browser. Check out the intro.
SQL Server has got identity for primary keys( see this article ) that was preventing me from inserting into a table with EO.
To get by this you can just set the identity insert to on with:
EOUtilities.rawRowsForSQL( ec, modleName, "SET IDENTITY_INSERT tableName ON", NSArray.EmptyArray );
NSArray rawRows = EOUtilities.rawRowsForSQL( ec, modleName, "SELECT MAX(idenityColumnName) as NR FROM tableName", NSArray.EmptyArray );
NSDictionary rowWithPK = (NSDictionary)rawRows.objectAtIndex(0);
Object maxPK = rowWithPK.objectForKey("NR");
int primaryKey = (new Integer(maxPK.toString())).intValue();
When traveling around one might feel the need to have access to Icelandic keyboard input. Only tested this on IE, need to enable other browsers... sometime ;)
When you can't save the icelandic text, it's good to have a quick way to convert Icelandic into HTML
Right clicking a message will bring it up in a floating container, pretty neat.
Creating a cover method for the parameter with:
context().request().stringFormValueForKey( "parameter" );
When my WebObjects span over a lot of space you can also set the name property of the closing WO tag to distinguish where that WO ends.
... lots of content
Set you user defined dictionary
A lot of the words we use in our comments are specific to our work. You can add your external dictionary by doing the following:
Open Eclipse Preferences - General - Editors - Text Editors - Spelling
Under Dictionaries set a file for the User defined dictionary
Add -Xmx400M in the Arguments launch configurations.
400 is the size of the VM heap size in MegaBytes in this example, the default size is 64.
Run any of your projects simultaneously.
Browser shortcuts to all of your projects.
Open the launch configuration for you project and change the WOPort parameter to a unique number( ex. 1200 and up )
In the WO launch configuration add:
Click the little triangle next to the Debug As... bug icon and select Organize Favorites
Click the Add button to insert a new launch configuration onto the top of the Debug As... list.
Open Run - Open Debug Dialog
Under WOApplication you can change the settings of each of your launch configurations, and add new ones.
Open Eclipse Preferences
Under WOLips and Launch you can change the settings
In the WO launch configuration set:
Add the following parameter into the WO launch configuration: